Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nature's Wrath

So I posted some pretty pictures of the ice, so now let's see some of the damage. I know that we have been lucky because just a half mile down the road, it looks worse than a tornado.



Laurie Keen said...

that last pic looks like a painting! cool

Becky Phelps said...

Thanks Laurie!!!

Cheree Federico said...

I'm with Laurie, the last pic is really cool. Great work even with the not so great circumstances.

Alysia Lawrence said...

that is a lot of ice.

the first picture has an eerieness about it that is very interesting. i was talking with a friend about the ice this week and she mentioned how eerie the ice was at her place and i thought at that moment it was a weird way to describe it....but after seeing your images i can definitely understand. they are beautiful shots and i agree with laurie that the last shot looks like a painting. great job!

Becky Phelps said...

Thanks ladies!!!

Taylor Alder said...

So, this is what we have to look forward to this weekend? hahaha! I hope we don't get knocked out by the branches! Anyways, I love the first picture along with everybody else, it's kinda creepy like out of a scary movie or something, lol!

Becky Phelps said...

Yep Taylor, bring some gloves and hope you don't get knocked in the head with a branch! As for the first picture, I've always thought that little house was a little creepy...