Thursday, January 22, 2009

Having a Ball!


Over the weekend Jason and I traveled to his aunt and uncle's house to have one last Christmas dinner. I know right? There was a death in the family right around Christmas, so we had to postpone the festivities. All day long I kept looking at the window sill thinking these two jars would make a great picture. Of course, everyone else thought I was crazy and I was asked about a hundred times why I took a picture of the shelf. I thought it turned out pretty cool.


Cheree Federico said...

I think it's great that we photographers can think outside the box and take shots that others don't even think about. Cool pic.

Taylor Alder said...

I love it!!!! Jars are so fun to take pictures of, so antique!

Alysia Lawrence said...

very cool shot!

Always Portraits said...

I like it!

Becky Phelps said...

Thanks everybody!!!