Monday, January 26, 2009

Let's Roll...


We had a youth weekend at church called Disciple Now. It is a county wide youth worship retreat. Youth from all of the participating churches spend the weekend away from home and devote their time to becoming more mature in Christ. I had the joy of chaperoning on Saturday and I wish that I could have stayed Friday too. We had a blast! We took a fellowship outing to the Pinnacle so the kids could go bowling and I got this shot. I love it!


Laurie Keen said...

That is sweet! I Like that pic! Looks like a business picture you would see in a bowling alley with the owners name on it! Great job! By the way....Thanks for adding me to the blog world on your page. That was so nice of you!

Becky Phelps said...

Thanks Laurie! Taylor told me that she had gotten some advice from you so I looked at your pics. They're great! Taylor and I went to the Smokies together in December and all we did was take pictures 24/7. Maybe the three of us can get together sometime and just get out and shoot. Thanks for the's a great encouragement to me.

Alysia Lawrence said...

Now THAT is what I call finding the shot! Great job and eye!

Taylor Alder said...

I'm loving this piture! So neat!

Cheree Federico said...

Very cool. Love the colors.

Laurie Keen said...

Oh that would be awesome. I would love to meet everyone and hang out one day just taking pics. I find I learn so much from watching others too.

Always Portraits said...

This is my favorite! I agree with Laurie. This could be a picture you could sell to a business for display.