Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ice Storm

Ok, time for me to join the bandwagon. These are a few of the pictures I took of the ice at my house. The damage is just unbelievable, but in the same breath the ice does make for some beautiful pictures.



Cheree Federico said...

Wow, you guys had a lot of ice!! The fence shot is really cool.

Becky Phelps said...

Thanks Cheree! Yeah, we did get a lot of ice. We listened to trees fall all night Tuesday. I was kinda scared to look outside Wednesday morning.

Taylor Alder said...

I think I'm with Cheree on this one, but the trees just look like a winter wonderland, but i'm sure it wasn't so wonderful waking up to it!

Laurie Keen said...

OH MY GOSH...those have to be the most beautiful pictures I have seen with the ICE!! GREAT JOB!!! I love the first one on the fence!! You all got a lot more ice then us!