Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Josh & Kelly Impromptu E-Session

Josh and Kelly have one of those stories that sound like a movie. They dated for several years and then decided to part ways. She moved across the country and then one day they found each other again and their love story started again. Josh helped move her back to Kentucky and now they are planning their wedding. Josh and Kelly are such a sweet couple with an amazing love for God and each other. Josh is in seminary right now and once he graduates the two of them plan on doing mission work. This session was taken while I was at work. Josh is the son of one of the ladies I work with and she called me the night before to see if I would bring my camera so she could get a few pictures she could use for the newspaper announcement. I think the pictures turned out great for a spur of the moment, 20 minute session. I was just glad that the downpour that happened about an hour earlier had passed.


I love this next one...it just shows Josh's personality!


This last one is just kind of a candid...I liked they way they were interacting.



Taylor Alder said...

great pics for being spur of the moment! lol

Becky Phelps said...

Thanks Taylor! I thought so too. I wasn't exactly in my element being that I was in the grassy area next to my building so I don't have as many poses. Plus Josh and Kelly were happy as long as Josh's mom was happy with just one picture to put in the paper. I'm hoping they'll let me/us do a longer session somewhere they might feel more comfortable than on the Blvd in Hoptown!

Cheree Federico said...

Nice shots. I think I like the second one best. Cheree