Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pray Hard

I'm so glad the election is over. I have gotten so tired of all of the campaign ads. I have never been that concerned about politics, nonetheless, I'm concerned about our country. Suffice it to say that I'm not happy with the way the election turned out, but there is nothing more I can do about it. I placed my vote for who I thought was the right man, but obviously others thought differently. I know that all of this is in God's divine plan and that he knew from the very beginning who would be elected. Now all that is left to do is pray. Pray that Christians will stand up and no longer be the silent majority. Pray that God will have mercy on us. Pray that Christian principles will win out over worldly desires. If ever there was a time to pray without ceasing, now is that time. We are starting a new era in this country and only time will tell how it will turn out. In the meantime, pray hard.

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